quinta-feira, 3 de junho de 2010

Ego: o falso centro.

"O primeiro ponto a ser compreendido é o ego.

Uma criança nasce sem qualquer conhecimento, sem qualquer consciência de seu próprio eu. E quando uma criança nasce, a primeira coisa da qual ela se torna consciente não é ela mesma; a primeira coisa da qual ela se torna consciente é o outro. Isso é natural, porque os olhos se abrem para fora, as mãos tocam os outros, os ouvidos escutam os outros, a língua saboreia a comida e o nariz cheira o exterior. Todos esses sentidos abrem-se para fora. O nascimento é isso.

Nascimento significa vir a esse mundo: o mundo exterior. Assim, quando uma criança nasce, ela nasce nesse mundo. Ela abre os olhos e vê os outros. O outro significa o tu. Ela primeiro se torna consciente da mãe. Então, pouco a pouco, ela se torna consciente de seu próprio corpo. Esse também é o 'outro', também pertence ao mundo. Ela está com fome e passa a sentir o corpo; quando sua necessidade é satisfeita, ela esquece o corpo. É dessa maneira que a criança cresce.

Primeiro ela se torna consciente do você, do tu, do outro, e então, pouco a pouco, contrastando com você, com tu, ela se torna consciente de si mesma. Essa consciência é uma consciência refletida. Ela não está consciente de quem ela é. Ela está simplesmente consciente da mãe e do que ela pensa a seu respeito. Se a mãe sorri, se a mãe aprecia a criança, se diz 'você é bonita', se ela a abraça e a beija, a criança sente-se bem a respeito de si mesma. Assim, um ego começa a nascer.

Por meio da apreciação, do amor, do cuidado, ela sente que é ela boa, ela sente que tem valor, ela sente que tem importância. Um centro está nascendo. Mas esse centro é um centro refletido. Ele não é o ser verdadeiro. A criança não sabe quem ela é; ela simplesmente sabe o que os outros pensa a seu respeito.

E esse é o ego: o reflexo, aquilo que os outros pensam. Se ninguém pensa que ela tem alguma utilidade, se ninguém a aprecia, se ninguém lhe sorri, então, também, um ego nasce - um ego doente, triste, rejeitado, como uma ferida, sentindo-se inferior, sem valor. Isso também é ego. Isso também é um reflexo.

Primeiro a mãe. A mãe, no início, significa o mundo. Depois os outros se juntarão à mãe, e o mundo irá crescendo. E quanto mais o mundo cresce, mais complexo o ego se torna, porque muitas opiniões dos outros são refletidas.

O ego é um fenômeno cumulativo, um subproduto do viver com os outros. Se uma criança vive totalmente sozinha, ela nunca chegará a desenvolver um ego. Mas isso não vai ajudar. Ela permanecerá como um animal. Isso não significa que ela virá a conhecer o seu verdadeiro eu, não.

O verdadeiro só pode ser conhecido por meio do falso, portanto, o ego é uma necessidade. Temos que passar por ele. Ele é uma disciplina. O verdadeiro só pode ser conhecido por meio da ilusão. Você não pode conhecer a verdade diretamente. Primeiro você tem que conhecer aquilo que não é verdadeiro. Primeiro você tem que encontrar o falso. Por meio desse encontro, você se torna capaz de conhecer a verdade. Se você conhece o falso como falso, a verdade nascerá em você.

O ego é uma necessidade; é uma necessidade social, é um subproduto social. A sociedade significa tudo o que está ao seu redor, não você, mas tudo aquilo que o rodeia. Tudo, menos você, é a sociedade. E todos refletem. Você irá à escola e o professor refletirá quem você é. Você fará amizade com as outras crianças e elas refletirão quem você é. Pouco a pouco, todos estarão adicionando algo ao seu ego, e todos estarão tentando modificá-lo, de modo que você não se torne um problema para a sociedade.

Eles não estão interessados em você. Eles estão interessados na sociedade. A sociedade está interessada nela mesma, e é assim que deveria ser. Eles não estão interessados no fato de que você deveria se tornar um conhecedor de si mesmo. Interessa-lhes que você se torne uma peça eficiente no mecanismo da sociedade. Você deveria ajustar-se ao padrão.

Assim, estão interessados em dar-lhe um ego que se ajuste à sociedade. Ensinam-lhe a moralidade. Moralidade significa dar-lhe um ego que se ajuste à sociedade. Se você for imoral, você será sempre um desajustado em um lugar ou outro...

Moralidade significa simplesmente que você deve se ajustar à sociedade. Se a sociedade estiver em guerra, a moralidade muda. Se a sociedade estiver em paz, existe uma moralidade diferente. A moralidade é uma política social. É diplomacia. E toda criança deve ser educada de tal forma que ela se ajuste à sociedade; e isso é tudo, porque a sociedade está interessada em membros eficientes. A sociedade não está interessada no fato de que você deveria chegar ao auto-conhecimento.

A sociedade cria um ego porque o ego pode ser controlado e manipulado. O eu nunca pode ser controlado e manipulado. Nunca se ouviu dizer que a sociedade estivesse controlando o eu - não é possível. E a criança necessita de um centro; a criança está absolutamente inconsciente de seu próprio centro. A sociedade lhe dá um centro e a criança pouco a pouco fica convencida de que esse é o seu centro, o ego dado pela sociedade.

Uma criança volta para casa. Se ela foi o primeiro lugar de sua sala, a família inteira fica feliz. Você a abraça e beija; você a coloca sobre os ombros e começa a dançar e diz 'que linda criança! você é um motivo de orgulho para nós.' Você está dando um ego para ela, um ego sutil. E se a criança chega em casa abatida, fracassada, foi um fiasco na sala - ela não passou de ano ou tirou o último lugar, então ninguém a aprecia e a criança se sente rejeitada. Ela tentará com mais afinco na próxima vez, porque o centro se sente abalado.

O ego está sempre abalado, sempre à procura de alimento, de alguém que o aprecie. E é por isso que você está continuamente pedindo atenção. Você obtém dos outros a idéia de quem você é. Não é uma experiência direta. É dos outros que você obtém a idéia de quem você é. Eles modelam o seu centro. Mas esse centro é falso, enquanto que o centro verdadeiro está dentro de você. O centro verdadeiro não é da conta de ninguém. Ninguém o modela. Você vem com ele. Você nasce com ele."

Osho, em "Além das Fronteiras da Mente"

"The first thing to be understood is the ego.

A child is born without any knowledge, any consciousness of his own self. And when a child is born, the first thing he becomes aware of is not the same, the first thing he becomes aware of is the other. This is natural, because the eyes are opened out, the hands touch others, the ears listen to others, the tongue tastes the food and the nose smells the outside. All these senses open outwards. The birth is.

Birth means coming to this world: the world outside. So when a child is born he is born in this world. She opens her eyes and sees the others. The other means you.

She first became aware of the mother. Then, little by little, she becomes conscious of his own body. This is also the 'other', also belongs to the world. She is hungry and he feels the body, when your need is satisfied, he forgets the body. This is how the child grows.

First he becomes aware of you, thou, second, and then, gradually, in contrast to you, with you, she becomes conscious of itself.

This awareness is a reflected awareness. He is not aware of who she is. He is simply aware of the mother and what she thinks about her. If she smiles, if the mother appreciates the child, they say 'you're beautiful, "if she hugs and kisses, the child feels good about herself. Thus, an ego begins to rise.

Through appreciation, love, care, she feels that she is good, he feels he is valuable, he feels that is important. A center is born. But this center is a reflected center. He is not to be true. The child does not know who she is, she simply knows what others think about you.

And this is the ego: the reflection, what others think. If anyone thinks she has some use, nobody appreciates him, nobody smiles, then too an ego is born - an ego sick, sad, rejected, like a wound, feeling inferior, worthless. This is also ego. This is also a reflection.

First the mother. The mother, at first, it means the world. Then others will join the mother and the world will grow. And the more the world grows more complex the ego becomes, because many others' opinions are reflected.

The ego is a cumulative phenomenon, a byproduct of living with others. If a child lives totally alone, she has never come to grow an ego. But that will not help. It will remain like an animal. That does not mean she will know your true self, no.

The real can be known only through the false, so the ego is a necessity. We have to go through it. It is a discipline. The real can be known only through the illusion. You can not know the truth directly. First you have to know what is not true. First you have to find the fake. Through this meeting, you become able to know the truth. If you know the false as false, truth will dawn on you.

The ego is a necessity, it is a social necessity, it is a social by-product. The society means all that is around you, not you, but everything that surrounds it. Everything except you, is society. And all reflect. You go to school and the teacher will reflect who you are. You will make friends with other children and they will reflect who you are. Gradually, everyone will be adding to your ego, and everyone is trying to modify it so that you do not become a problem for society.

They are not interested in you. They are interested in society. The Society is concerned with itself, and that is how it should be. They are not interested in the fact that you should become an expert yourself. They are interested you become an efficient part in the mechanism of society. You should fit into the pattern.

So, are interested in giving you an ego that fits with the company. They teach you morality. Morality means giving you an ego that fits with the company. If you're immoral, you will always be a misfit somewhere or other ...

Morality simply means that you must adjust to society. If the society is at war, the morality changes. If the society is at peace, there is a different morality. Morality is a social policy. It's diplomacy. And every child should be educated so that it fits with the society, and this is all because the company is interested in efficient members. The company is not interested in the fact that you should attain to self-knowledge.

The society creates an ego because the ego can be controlled and manipulated. The self can never be controlled or manipulated. Never heard of the society controlling a self - not possible.

And the child needs a center, the child is completely unaware of his own center. The society gives him a center and the child gradually becomes convinced that this is his center, the ego that society.

A child comes home. If she was the first of his room, the whole family is happy. You hug and kiss, you put on the shoulders and starts dancing and says' what a beautiful child! you are a source of pride for us. " You're giving her an ego, a subtle ego. And if the child comes home dejected, unsuccessful, was a flop in the room - it was just a year or took the last place, then nobody appreciates him and the child feels rejected. She will try harder next time, because the center feels shaken.

Ego is always shaken, always in search of food, someone to enjoy. And that's why you continuously ask for attention.

You get the idea of others who you are. There is a direct experience.

It's the others that you get the idea of who you are. They shape your center. But this center is false, while the real center is within you. The real center is not nobody's business. Nobody shapes. You come with it. You're born with it.

So, you have two centers. A center with which you come, it is given by existence itself. That's me. And the other center, which is created by society - the ego. This is a false thing - it's a great trick. Through the ego the society is controlling you. You have to behave a certain way, because only then the society will enjoy it. You have to walk a certain way, you have to laugh in a certain way, you have to follow certain manners, a morality, a code. Only then society will enjoy it, and if it does not, your ego will be shaken. And when the ego is shaken, you do not know where you are, you no longer know who you are.

The others gave him the idea. And this idea is the ego. Try to understand it as deeply as possible, because it has to be thrown away. And unless you throw it you will never be able to reach me. Being addicted to the false center, you can not move, and you can not look at me. And remember: there will be an interim period, an interval when the ego will be crashing when you do not know who you are when you do not know where you're going, when all boundaries will melt. You will simply be confused, a chaos.

Because of this chaos, you are afraid of losing the ego. But it has to be so. We have to pass through the chaos before reaching the true center. And if you're daring, the period will be short. If you are afraid, and again fall into the ego, and again begin to straighten it, then the period can be very, very long, many lives can be wasted ...

Even the fact of being unhappy gives you the feeling of "I am." Moving away from what is known, fear takes over, you start to feel afraid of darkness and chaos - because society has managed to clear a small part of your being ... It is like entering a forest. You make a little clearing, you clear a piece of land, you make a fence, you make a small hut, you make a small garden, a lawn, and you feel good. Beyond your fence - the forest, the jungle. But inside all is well: you planned it.

That's what happened. The company opened a small clearing in your consciousness. She cleared only a small part completely, fenced it. Everything is right there. All your universities are doing. Every culture and every conditioning is just one part clean, so there you can feel at home.

And then you become afraid. Beyond the fence there is danger.

Beyond the fence you are, as you are inside the fence - and your conscious mind is only part of one tenth of his whole being. Nine tenths is waiting in the dark. And in that nine-tenths, somewhere your real center is hidden.

We must be bold, courageous. Need to step into the unknown.

For a while, all limits will be lost. For a while, you'll feel dizzy. For a while, you will feel very frightened and shaken, as if there had been an earthquake.

But if you're brave and not go back, if you do not fall back on the ego, but is always in front, there is a hidden center within you, a center that you have been carrying for many lives. This center is your soul, the self.

Once you come near it, everything changes, everything settles again. But now this settling is not done by the society. Now, everything becomes a cosmos, not chaos, a new order arises. But this is not the order of society - this is the very order of existence.

It is what Buddha calls Dhamma, Lao Tzu calls Tao, Heraclitus calls the Logos. Is not made by man. It is the very order of existence. Then suddenly it all comes back to be beautiful, and for the first time, really beautiful, because man-made things can not be beautiful. At most you can hide the ugliness of them, that's all. You can decorate them, but they can never be beautiful ...

The ego has a certain quality: that he is dead. It is plastic. And it is very easy to get it, because others give you. You need not look for it, the search is not required. So, unless you become a seeker after the unknown, you have not yet become an individual. You're just another in the crowd. You're just a mob. If you do not have a real center, how can it be an individual?

The ego is not individual. Ego is a social phenomenon - it is society, not you. But it gives you a role in society, a position in society. And if you are happy with it, you lose all chance of finding me. And why are you so unhappy. How can you be happy with a plastic life? How can you be ecstatic to be blessed with a false life? And then this ego creates many miseries. Ego is hell. Whenever you suffer, just try to watch and analyze, and you will find, somewhere the ego is the cause of suffering. And the ego following finding causes to suffer ...

And so people become dependent of each other. It is a deep slavery. The ego has to be a slave. He depends on others. And only one person who has no ego is for the first time a master, he ceases to be a slave.

Try to understand this. And start looking for the ego - not in others, it's not your account but you. Whenever you feel miserable, immediately close your eyes and try to figure out where the misery is coming, and you always find that the false center clashed with someone.

Did you expect something and it did not. You expect something and just the contrary happened - your ego is shaken, you are unhappy. Just look, whenever you are miserable, try to find out why.

Causes are not outside you.

The basic cause is within you - but you always look outside, you always ask: 'Who is making me unhappy? " 'Who is causing my anger? " 'Who is causing my trouble? "

If you look out, you will not notice. Just close your eyes and always look within. The source of all misery, anger and anguish, is hidden within you is your ego.

And if you find the source, it will be easy to go beyond. If you can see it is your own ego that gives you problems, you will want to drop it - because nobody is able to carry the source of unhappiness, since he may have.

But remember, no need to drop the ego. You can not drop it. And if you try to leave it, will simply be getting a subtle ego again which says: 'I became a lowly ...

All the way toward the divine, the ultimate, must pass through this territory of the ego. The false has to be understood as false. The source of misery has to be understood as the source of misery - then it simply disappears. When you know it is poison, it drops. When you know that it is fire, it disappears. When you know this is hell, it disappears.

And then you never say, 'I dropped the ego. " You will simply laugh at this whole story, the joke that you were the creator of all this misery ...

It is difficult to see one's own ego. It is very easy to see the ego in others. But that's not the point, you can not help them.

Try to see your own ego. Simply observe.

Do not rush to abandon him, just observe it. The more you watch, the more capable you become. Suddenly, one day, you simply see it gone. And when it disappears by itself, only then does it drop. Because there is no other way. You can not abandon it prematurely. It drops just like a dead leaf.

When you are mature through understanding, awareness, and have felt totally that ego is the cause of all your misery, simply one day you see the dead leaf falling ... and then the real center arises.

And the real center is the soul, self, God, truth, or however you want to call it. You can give it any name that you prefer."

Osho, "Beyond Borders of the Mind."

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