sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2009


Mantra (Sanskrit Man - mind - and Tra - lever) is a religious syllable or poem usually in Sanskrit. Mantras originated in Hinduism, but are also used in Buddhism and Jainism.

For some schools, specifically the technical basis, mantra can be any sound, syllable, word, phrase or text that holds a specific power. However, it is essential that membership of a dead language, in which the meanings and pronunciations do not suffer the erosion of regionalism because of the evolution of language. There are mantras to facilitate concentration and meditation, mantras to energize, to fall asleep or wake to develop chakras or energy channels vibrate in order to relieve them.

Engine operation

Over the years, Westerners who came to the east tried to explain why the mantras produce the desired effects. It is not necessary to know the meaning of the words spoken.

Some Western psychologists argue that the mantra has a sound energy that moves involving other energy who sings. Whatever the correct pronunciation: is the same mantra chanted in very different ways in different countries, and always producing the expected effects.

Another explanation is the same used for the purpose of mudras: a gesture repeated by many people for so many centuries that created a kind of energy path - call it the mark of akasha, or in the collective unconscious - which is quickly followed by the psyche of the person executing it.

Some common mantra: Om Namah Shivaya (shivaísta); Om mani padme hum (Sanskrit);
Om tare ture soha tutarı (Tibetan), Nam myoho renge kyo (Saddharma-pundarika Sutra in Sanskrit)

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna
Hare Hare
Hare Rama
Hare Rama
Rama Rama
Hare Hare (Sanskrit).

The Maha Mantra

The transcendental vibration set up by the corner of Hare Krishna Maha Mantra allows the gradual purification of material bodies, the most dense to most subtle and restore consciousness to its original state of sat cit ananda - eternity, knowledge and bliss.

The Kalishantarana Upanishads, wisely advises us to sing:
Naradah Punan prapaccha tannama kimito sa Hovac hiranyagarbah:
hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
isti sodashkam namnam kalikalmasanasanam annatah parataropayah sarvavedesu drisyate sodasakalavritasya jivasyavaranaviasanam tatah prakasate param-brahma meghapaye raviasmimandaliveti

First comes Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare and then, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

In Yoga and other Darshanas

In Sanatana Dharma and its main Darshanas (in Yoga is called Japa Yoga or Mantra Yoga), the mantra has particular importance for two reasons, first, because it is the Angas, parts or sequences of hymns books sacred (Vedas or derivations of authorized Same as the Upanishads), and also because this manual in the form of words dictated directly by the Rishis or sages, or due to Lilas of the Lord (dictated directly by him or his emissaries), and second, because it is the personification of the Nama or name of the Supreme Lord or Brahman in himself, in written form and articulated loudly.

Mantras should be issued so only under the limited authorization of Guru or Spiritual Master, according to the way that this guide. Most often, the Mantras are articulated in the form of Japa, or repetition rate, using a bag with 108 accounts. This process can be on three levels, namely, whispered, sung or mentally. The more developed the concentration of 'Sadhaka' (practitioner), the greater its ability to mantralização as mental or Manasika-Mantra.

There is a process called Ajapa-japa, which is the repetition of certain mantras as breathing or Pranayama. The student should have the proper reverence or spiritual reverence to his Guru, the Sampradaya or spiritual family of which he belongs, and never think that Nama (name) and Rupa (form) are distinct from the Lord Himself. Therefore, an applicant should not sing without the Mantras should allow its spiritual master, because it is a harmful practice without guidance than any practice.

So says the tradition of Guru-Sadhu and Sastra (the wisdom of the masters in the Scriptures).

Hari Om Tat Sat

(Japa-Yoga, Swami Sivananda - Swami Saraswati Krsnapriyananda)

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